Online Seminar

10 Steps to Compassion
The only way to create ripples of happiness within yourself and in the world is to experience it with compassion. The science of compassion can help us understand our own emotions and establish deep connection with others.

Bud to Blossom (For Children)
Awakening the born healer in every child. The process involves 6 simple steps through which one learns to awaken the energies of love & compassion in their heart and transfer it to Individuals & Universe.

Building Self Worth
Self-worth stems from self-love. Unless you have truly made peace with your mistakes, you hold no guilt and shame for your actions, you cannot step up into the light of confidence. Let us explore our inner strength and find ways to be proud of ourselves.

Conscious Communication
You can never have effective relationships if the communication channels between you and them are not clear and transparent. For one to be able to act with complete integrity in any situation, it is important that they listen and process what is being told with all their consciousness and then speak or act upon it.

Coping with Depression
Those who suffer from depression are not weak. They are just tired of remaining strong for a long time. States of depression lead to feelings of intense loneliness. Even with the whole world around them, they may feel there is no one to understand them. It is vital that we allow depression to express itself and not drown it with self-blame and shame.

Cord Cutting
A journey into our deep subconscious mind to be able to release and heal the toxic, traumatic memories of people and circumstances within us that do not allow us to move ahead in life. Every experience makes a dent in our personality. When the experience is overwhelming, it forms a filter of protection in our minds. Then on, we never see the truth as it is, we only see it through this filter. Let us free ourselves from this trauma in this practical guided session.

Cure Procrastination
Procrastination stems from deep fear and low self-esteem. If you feel you are unable to complete any of the tasks you undertake, and keep delaying the execution of the projects, this is the seminar for you. Let us understand the fear lurking behind procrastination.

Destroying Limiting Beliefs
We have been blanketed with numerous belief systems throughout of life. Family beliefs, Religions beliefs, Spiritual beliefs, Societal beliefs, then those beliefs that we put upon ourselves due to our experiences. Until we remain veiled under the belief systems we cannot access the truth behind everything. Let us break free from these limiting beliefs.

Sticky attachment creates unbearable pain due to the burden of expectations it carries with it. When we are attached to someone or something, we are constantly gripped with the thoughts of losing them. In other cases, we begin to push ourselves into deep misery by piling our expectations from them.

Emotion and Disease
Do you listen to the messages your body sends to you? The root to every disease in the physical body can be traced to the mind and the thoughts that originate in them. Emotions burn out our susceptibilities and thereby create disease.

End Pain Begin New
Let us understand the real story behind the pain, viewing it with alternative perspective, giving it a new dimension, learning from the experience, making our pain the greatest learning lesson and beginning new.

Fear to Fearlessness
There is only one eye that needs to be looked straight into everyday without fear, and that is, your own. Behind every fear inside us, one meets tremendous strength demonstrated by us but failed miserably. Let fear not creep into your heart, Let fear not rise up to your mind, Let fear not be seen in your eyes, Let fear not speak through you, Look at your fear square in the eye and say “I beat you hollow today, if not for me giving you power of existence you don’t exist!”

Five Keys to Happiness
Altering the old formula of success. When one struggles to remain constantly happy, they remain unaware of what to expect at the end of the tunnel. It could be lack of self-confidence, feeling of being unloved, peer pressure, performance issues, or more. It is time we knew happiness is a choice. Join this interactive journey that proposes to offer access to the 5 keys of happiness. Because happiness is the only hope for New Earth through us.

Five Senses The Doors to Happiness
Do we really see, hear, smell, taste, feel through our five senses or is there a force operating behind these five doors? Let us explore the illusion behind what we think we experience through our five senses and have a look at the ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’.

Food and Emotions
Did you know that every time you say to yourself, ‘I feel like eating / drinking …..’ you are actually expressing a deeper emotion that wants to be addressed? It is time to understand what your food choices actually say about your inner state of being.

Harness Sleep For Spiritual Growth
Did you know the states of sleep and your dreams are vital for your spiritual growth? Let us understand the art of harnessing our sleep for spiritual progress.

Heal Your Past
The past is like a framed window through which we view the limitless sky. The past is the cage that we have locked ourselves from inside. No one is holding us hostage except our own selves.

Healing Toxic Relationships
Relationships we form with our people, environment, emotions, body, thoughts, material needs, ethics, values, culture etc. defines the quality of life we lead. In this case, toxicity infused in any of the above relationships, is equal to issuance of death warrant to the person.

I Am Enough
The reason why most people do not succeed is because they feel they are not good enough. They do wish they had the resources and opportunities that others around them have, but eventually feel they cannot pull it off as they find excuses to tell themselves why they are not good enough to have it all. Let us dig deeper into this feeling and come out triumphant knowing there never was, is or will be anyone like you.

Improving Focus
The key to success is focus and concentration. Nothing can be achieved by a wandering mind. Let us go through this practical tool that helps you achieve one point focus in a very short span.

Inner Child Healing
Inner child is referred to as that part of us that is hurt and in pain due to unresolved childhood experiences. the wounded child in each one of us involuntarily seems to drive us into behaving in ways that may seem irrational to our won selves. releasing all emotions of pent up rage, shame, guilt, tried, terror or pain becomes the gateway to reconnecting with one’s true self. The only way out of pain is walking through it.

Karma - The Action and Consequence
Our thoughts, intentions and actions become the seeds that we plant which reap fruits of reward or punishment and this becomes the life we lead. Healing our karmic impressions, gives us a chance to restart.

Languages of Love
Each one expresses and experiences love in their own way. If you have been speaking your language of love hoping they would understand and reciprocate, you have lost the plot. We must be proactive to realize what is the language of love our loved one’s speak, and must practice them accordingly.

Loosening Knots of Anger
Anger is one’s intense desire to be perfect and in a perfect space at all times. Pushing away anger and suppressing it will eventually erupt out as the most destructive force. These denied feelings if not released periodically, will manifest as physical and emotional problems. Anger is known to burn up your personal power and reduce everything around you to ashes in matter of seconds that it is expressed. Relax the bonds of anger, attachment and delusion through mindfulness and kindness toward yourself and those who have been cause for your anger.

Making Success An Inside Job
There is only one way to success and that path is inside you. Unlock & unleash individual power & assist in a break-through of one’s limitations to achieve the vision of lasting success.

Unless you are mindful about who you are, what you are doing, where you are, how you are feeling, you will never experience your true and full potential. There is growing research that shows, when you train your brain to be mindful, you’re actually remodeling the physical structure of your brain. Let us understand how we can achieve more, do more, learn more by being mindful.

Positive Body Image
Are you a victim of body shaming? What do you catch yourself saying about your body? Do you find faults in the way you look? It is time to see what is the frequency we are sending out to ourselves and other about us.

Power of Gratitude
“Wear Gratitude like a cloak & it will feed every corner of your life” – Rumi
When we realize the impermanence of things, we remain in deep gratitude for all that we have in our Universe. Focusing on what we have and being grateful for them, auto reduces the stress caused by the needs and wants of life. When one remains in gratitude for all the people as family and friends in their life, relationships improve and love becomes their essence of being. Happiness becomes a permanent beat in the hearts of people who live in gratitude.

Power of Now
The only way you can remain in the now is to free your analytical mind from the grip of the past and the future. Uncover the secrets hidden in the present moment. Learn the art of remaining in the ‘NOW’.

Power of The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind is a store house of practically everything you have experienced in life. It is about 80% of who you are. However, mankind only uses just about 20% of its conscious mind in their entire life time. Let us learn how to stimulate the communication between our conscious and subconscious mind and lead them to make us happy, successful and abundant.

Power of Thoughts
What is constantly in our thoughts, is who we are constantly becoming. If our thought are weaving a negative story, we are creating a negative field of energy around us. This negative web only attracts more negative in terms of people

Power Struggles
The power struggle happens not just when there are opposing viewpoints, it is also a deep need for maintaining control. It is therefore vital to understand from where this need is seeping through. People who have control issues face a lot of lack of trust.

Rising Over Self Doubt
Self-doubt does not allow us to follow our dreams, or take the untrodden paths. Those who have no faith in themselves do not take risks, do not attempt to innovate or create something new. Let us see what is the root of this lack of trust on self.

Solitude The Path to Success
Unless you have spent time with yourself, you cannot life your personal legacy. When you spend time all the time in the influence of the world, your innovative and individual thinking capacity shrinks and will be heavily laced with the herd mentality.

Sow Happiness Reap Reality
The mind is only as fertile as we plough it and only as productive as the seeds we sow in it. The workshop is based on 8 steps of farming. Weed out – Equip – Plow – Sow – Auto Irrigate – Reap – Enjoy your harvest.

Stress Management
Stress is an over rated word in today’s time. But we cannot ignore the effect it has on people. Stress is a feeling of helplessness and lack of control over the situations in one’s life. Let us understand how to cope with stress.

Suffering is Optional
“Pain is certain, suffering is optional.” – Buddha
Life is a roller coaster with its ups and downs. One can choose from a wide pallet of emotions what one wants to wear as their attire every day. You can make suffering optional when you are in pain.

SWOT Analysis
It is very important to understand your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to achieve your highest best. When was the last time you learnt to pay attention to yourself as the priceless asset you ever owned?

The Art of Letting Go
The first step towards getting what you want, is having the courage to let go of what you do not. Unless you empty your life for what you want to have, the sheer lack of space to accommodate the new keeps you living in the old loops of life.

The 5 Stages of Loss
Loss goes through five intense stages. How long you stay on each stage defines how long your road to recovery.

The Flip
Flip is the art of changing your mind from your current state to your highest potential. The mind refuses to change until it holds on to the purpose the behavior is serving it. Once you crack the reason to your brain’s addiction to the set patterns of thinking, and give it more beneficial alternative ways of functioning, it is ready to flip.

The Havoc Caused by Emotions
Every emotion you feel is a result of a thought. When you feel the same set of emotions over long periods of time, they begin to lodge themselves into your body and lay the foundation of Dis-Ease in both mind and body.

The Heart Brain
If you mastered the heart brain connection, you would be the master of your thoughts and emotions. Let us find out the power of the heart and how it functions independently off the interference of the brain.

The Heart Wall
When the trauma or grief is too much, we raise walls of defense to protect us. These walls are made up of firm decisions we take and seal it with “I will never ever do, say, feel, again….” When we speak from behind these walls we are never understood right raising misunderstandings between the people we deal with.

The Lies We Tell Ourselves
What are the constant lies you tell yourself? What are the masks you wear and the reasons you give for them? Its time to come out clean and address our internal monsters.

The Power of Saying NO
Until you learn to say a healthy ‘No’, you will watch yourself being taken for granted. A person who is unable to refuse the others, is likely to suffer from frustration which will accumulate over time and result in bouts of anger and rage.

The Sacred Tea
If you have wondered how it is to be a teapot, a teacup, tea leaves, 7 ingredients of tea that match the chakras, 5 ingredients of tea that match the element of nature, 2 ingredients of tea balancing the Yin & Yang, what it is like to be a perfect blend, perfect brew, perfect sip, if you ever wondered how to make life your perfect cup of tea, this is the seminar for you with deep insight through the metaphor of tea.

The Sacred Womb
A woman carries more than 30 diseases in her womb that are not transferred genetically. Our womb is a sacred space for creativity and manifestation. Old emotions, energetic imprints, painful experiences and trauma can be trapped in this sacred space, thus preventing you from conceiving, manifesting and living your fullest potential.

The Sleep Capsule
Understand the power of sleep and how disturbed sleep patterns can affect your progress inside out. You will learn a practical tool to help you experience deep sleep.

The 3 Brains
Yes you heard right! We have three brains. Unless we harness the potentials of all the three brains we never live our lives fully. Let us understand the three brains, their roles, the dynamics between them and how to be in charge of them.

Traits to Success
Successful people have traits that are carefully inculcated over time with dedicated focus, practice and discipline. Let us go over the list of habits that guide you to path of success.

Trusting Your Intuition
Unless you have heard the whispers in your heart and seen the images in your inner eye, you have missed the messages from your subconscious mind and higher self that point out to your life purpose.

Underneath Rejection
The roots of feeling rejected run really deep and can be linked to feelings of abandonment during childhood. Rejection can also inflict damage to our psychological well-being that goes beyond our emotional pain. Let us understand the less known facts about rejection.

Understanding The Ego
Are you in-charge of your ego or is the ego in-charge of you? Who walks into the room first, you or your ego, determines the outcome of the conversations and experiences you will have thereafter. It is time to take charge and train your ego to take instructions from you.

Unleash Your Potential to Love
When one requests the Universe to help them experience a fall in love, it complies. And then as one lays deep in the depths of love, One tries to rise over the ecstasy to feel another perspective of love, Only to realize they cannot, Because that was nowhere a part of the ‘falling in love’ deal they had asked for. Review your initial deal. Did you try to renegotiate the terms of love and lost it in the bargain?

Victim of Bullying
Even though a bully is a person with low self-worth, who tries to gain importance by pulling other people down to their level, the victims do not see this perspective and perceive them as powerful people they cannot free themselves from.

Wellness Rituals
Until you have invested on daily, disciplined practices of overall wellness, you cannot be prepared for a high intensity uphill climb for success. Let us see what we can do mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually to achieve what we want to in life.

Work Smart
Are you constantly pressed for time to complete your tasks and meet the deadlines? When you utilize your time well, you achieve more than you thought was possible through the day. Let us explore Time Management ideas to bring in more efficiency and productivity.

Your Hidden Agenda
Have you noticed how your thoughts, emotions, actions are speaking different truths? Do you know the hidden agenda behind your mind and heart? What would you do if you knew the mind and heart are pulling you in different directions and you are torn between them?

Your X-factor
Each one of us is born with special abilities. We have been receiving information on these unique gifts repeatedly through time. Perhaps we have not taken notice on how each circumstance, every conversation, each person who dropped into our life, carried a clue about who we are meant to be.