Transformation Series
“Transformation needs deep understanding of one’s self. ‘Take medication’ ‘Add in healthy habits’ ‘Think positive’ though sound like easy to incorporate advises tend to get derailed in stressful times.”
Back To Being Me
7-21 days, 90 Minutes per day.
180 degree transformation program including Breath Work, Eating Right with diet guidelines, Daily Meditation, Physical Exercise & Mindful Practices attempts to bring changes at all levels of existence – Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual. The schedule is during the early morning hours between 4-5.30AM.
Heal Your Body
21 days, 60 Minutes per day.
As the body is the temple of our soul, this program is devised to heal one part of the body per day and reprogram them to perfect health through deep hypnotic scripts and sound healing.
10 Days 10 Emotions
10 Days, 60 Minutes per day.
Every emotion you feel is because of a thought. When you feel the same set of emotions over long periods of time, they begin to lodge themselves into both the mind and body and lay the foundation for disease. This program heals the emotional seeds through hypnotic scripts and sound healing.
Chakra Alignment
7 Days, 60 Minutes per day.
Healing of the seven energy centers, widely known as the chakras, which are the wheels of life force energy. Each of these energy centers not only govern the functioning of the seven glands in our physical body but also affect the deeper subconscious patterns of thinking.