No man is an island, no man stands alone.
The most beautiful part of our lives are the relationships we build as we walk our paths. There is compelling evidence that strong relationships contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life.
Our experiences are beautifully woven by the different people who come in to our lives. A sip of coffee with buddies in the college canteen, the ยฝ legged race in the school with friends, the stolen look between lovers, the kiss from a parent, the stories told grandparents, the bits of brunch from a colleagues tiffin, the tiring assignments by the teachers, the children who sleep on your chest, the tiffs with siblings – The list goes on and on!
When one does not have fulfilled relationships, one feels irritable, lonely, unappreciated, aggressive, stressed, victimized, depressed, only to cap a few feelings. All one craves for is for that one genuine person who understands us completely and stands by us unconditionally. Without realizing that we will never attract that person unless we tweak ourselves to be that completely understanding and unconditionally loving person.
How would you recognize that you need to improve your behavior around relationships?
If you feel lonely.
If your friendships do not last long.
If you cannot trust people.
If you feel you are constantly misunderstood.
If you are constantly facing hurt through interactions.
If you are mostly betrayed by those who you are close to.
If you donโt seem to find a partner to settle down with.
If you are constantly fighting with those around you.
If you do not have a social life.
If you are dragging everyone down in self-defense.
If you fear commitment.
If you feel everyone is out to get at you.
If you feel people encroach your space and privacy.
If you are constantly planning how you would cope up in case of a break up.
If you feel no one cares about you.
If you feel you are giving more than you receive in relationships.
Most of the above are based on a logic associated by your mind to a hurtful experience in the past which justifies the way we behave. A pattern that can be ousted by investing time of 1.5hrs to 2hrs on integrated approach of therapy.
You no longer need to feel that loneliness is your destiny. One crack in the behavior pattern is all that is needed to begin with!
Anuradha Kamath is a Wellness Consultant and Behavioral therapist and assists her clients both in group and individually, as a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Metaphor Therapist, Sound Healer, Access Bar Practitioner and Laughter Yoga Therapist.