A small virus has brought the entire mighty mankind down to its knees. It has taken us back to the old ways of survival – the survival of the fittest! It is time to become aware and push ourselves to be fit enough to combat the pandemic, inside-out. Here are a few self-help tips you can put into practice to build a shield of immunity around you.
1. The plate as a palette
The first suggestion, is to eat your colors! Yes, you heard right, eat as many colors as you can on your plate. The more colors served on your plate, the more variety of nutrient vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, seeds, that will go into your diet. Moreover, did you know that each color has a unique effect on your emotions? One of the easiest way to ensure you have eaten a good range is to make sure you have eaten a ‘Rainbow’ through the day.
2. Happiness Cocktail
Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the four chemicals responsible for your happiness. You can either let circumstances trigger these neurotransmitters, or you can take charge and keep yourself drunk on the ‘Happiness Cocktail’ all day long.
• You can activate Dopamine by taking action on your goals – Simply give what you want to do a try! The adrenaline rush and adventure is what we all need once in a while.
• Serotonin can be released when you feel purposeful and important – Go ahead and do something that will bring a change in this world. The more you help people, the more you add to your own self-worth.
• Oxytocin is released when you create intimate friendships – Make time to strengthen your relationships to the next level.
• Endorphins can be released by simply laughing all through the day – Keep others engaged with your wit and let others tickle your funny bone.
3. Fuel Your Body
The best way to nurture your body is through a routine of exercise. Ensure you put your body into some form of physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day. Walk, dance, run, cycle, perform yoga, hit the gym, climb the stairs, or swim. It does not matter what you take up as your physical activity, what matters most is that you enjoy what you do and can remain consistent with it. Ensure you give your body a very relaxing wash after each workout. Body cleanliness after sweating it out is key to avoid skin infections and body odor. Lack of hygiene is the primary cause of disease.
4. Sleep hygiene
The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock that is running in the background of your brain and maintains the cycle of your sleep and wakefulness. Sleep hygiene plays a huge role in building your immunity levels.
• Avoid day-time naps or limit them to power naps of 20-30 minutes.
• Avoid caffeine or stimulants close to bed time.
• Exercising for even 10 minutes before your sleep time, ensures sound sleep.
• Ensure your bedroom is gadget free.
• Avoid reading or watching disturbing news or articles before you sleep.
• Maintain a steady sleep-wake cycle even on the weekends.
• Ensure body cleanliness before sleep.
5. Breathe and Meditate
Do not forget to take 50 deep breaths each morning. Sit in silence with yourself in a space you will not be disturbed, keep your eyes closed while remaining focused on your breath. Continue to sit in meditation for at least 10 minutes after the breath work. This helps in aligning your mind-body-spirit and completely recharges the levels of energy. Meditation is an ancient science that is known to heal and transform inside out.
In short, a rainbow on your plate, a sip of happiness cocktail, fueling your body, maintaining sleep hygiene on a daily basis, breathing and meditating, will sail you through these tough times. It is time to utilize this opportunity to bring in the transformation you deserve in all areas of your life. Let us meet again sometime soon on the safer side, after we all rise over this situation. Together, I trust and know, we can!
Anuradha Kamath is a Wellness Consultant and Behavioral therapist and assists her clients both in group and individually, as a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Metaphor Therapist, Sound Healer, Access Bar Practitioner and Laughter Yoga Therapist.