I would suggest we begin the journey of letting go by taking stock of what we need to set free from within us. Many of us at this juncture may realize that they are holding on to people, people and more people who do not serve them. In many ways we are hording relationships that have literally gone dry and dead. Like a dead twig in a dry garden pot. No matter how much we water these relationships with unconditional love, we know that the twig will never have new shoots and sprout life again. We are smart enough to know this and yet something within us keeps us from not wanting to give up on them.
Let us ask as few strategic questions to ourselves.
1. What is it that we got out of these relationships that make us attached to them? In other words, what is our carrot?
2. Is this relationship becoming our strength on the route to achieving our life purpose, or has it become our weakness?
3. What is the feelings we face when we think of letting them go? Is it fear, insecurity, guilt, shame, or any other?
4. Are we terming our negative feelings as our love for them?
5. Would anything in our life actually change as per our anticipation, in case they left our life?
6. If there would there be a change in our life due to their absence, would we be able to manage it without much emotional, mental, physical, financial and spiritual damage?
7. What would be the benefits of letting them go?
8. Are the benefits more in letting go of them or is it in holding on to them?
9. Are the benefits of letting go aligned to our life purpose?
10. Which of the above decisions makes us feel closer to our true personality and makes us proud of ourselves?
11. Are we willing to make this letting go permanent? Are we okay with the deeper knowing that they may never come back once we take this step?
12. If after letting go fo them, we end up crashing in any form – physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or spiritually, how long are we willing to give ourselves to stand back up on our feet?
13.What is it that we will do to stand back up on our feet and over come the loss?
Once we answer these questions clarity will set in. It will then become a conscious decision that is made with full awareness. Our decision will not be filled with regret once we make it. It would be a conscious choice made by us, for us, in our highest and best interest. We are fully responsible for our self, & the stand we took.
We deserve a reboot when the universe was providing us with an opportunity to restart. We deserve to be free from our self-imprisonment. And we set ourselves free finally. As we set our self and them free, the greater awareness sets in. Who were we afraid of loosing anyway? We are them and they are us. We were only afraid of loosing ourselves and that we know is an impossible feat.
Decisions need to be made consciously and while being fully aware. Spontaneous & emotional decisions are pure adventure that may not bear much positive consequence on our life purpose.
Anuradha Kamath is a Wellness Consultant and Behavioral therapist and assists her clients both in group and individually, as a Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Metaphor Therapist, Sound Healer, Access Bar Practitioner and Laughter Yoga Therapist.